Testing PEG and water mixes for optimal sectioning in the lab since it gets DRY in winter. A thing of beauty this.

Finished reading: North Woods by Daniel Mason 📚 Hang through the first 1/3. It all makes sense in the end.

Currently reading: Two Wheels Good by Jody Rosen 📚

I’ve just recieved the good news that I’ve been awarded a Sinnott Award from the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University to fund a project investigating physiological differences in petioles with a single or multiple vascular bundle arrangements! Super excited!

Our review of what may happen to the sugar conducting plant tissues (phloem) of trees in the winter is officially out! Still a lot we do not know!

Sieve elements (smallish bright yellow cells) in the leaf of a lupine.🔬

My new review about seasonality and the implications for long distance phloem transport is now out in advance access!!

Sieve elements identified by the LM26 antibody in the leaf of a lupine (Lupinus spp) 🔬🌳🌱

Sieve cells (rectangular cells in center third of image) in White Cedar stained with the help of an antibody specific to those cells. These are the cells that move sugar around the plant body. 🔬🌲🌱

I was recently featured in the Botanical Society of America’s spotlight series for early-career scientists. This was fun to do and a great new BSA series. 🎓